Seems we will need to settle this is to run a sim with simopt.rndeps turned

Well, just looking at reduc_makesim, can't we pretty much guarantee that a TnoPol sim will have all zero Q and U maps?

1021 q.gamma=(1-q.epsilon)./(1+q.epsilon);
1328 sky=cmap.T + q.gamma(k)*(cmap.Q.*cos(2*alpha*pi/180) + ...

(The latter is 'linear' interpolation, which is the original function of gen_sig.) There is just no way to turn epsilon<1 into T->P leakage in reduc_makesim!

On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 7:18 PM, Clem Pryke <> wrote:
> the plot of response vs. pol angle for a given detector looks like a sine
> wave of pi periodicity. The troughs are at T and the peaks are at T+P

Is that right? Isn't T the average level and half the amplitude of the
variation is Q?

Seems we will need to settle this is to run a sim with simopt.rndeps turned


Clem Pryke - Associate Professor - Physics
University of Minnesota
Room 318 Physics and Nanotechnology Building
115 Union Street SE, Minneapolis MN 55455
Tel: 612-624-7578  Fax: 612-624-4578  email:

Christopher Sheehy
KICP Fellow, 
University of Chicago
5640 S Ellis Ave
LASR 122
Chicago, IL 60637
office: (773) 702-9751