Hi Walt,

I think it won't make much difference, but I'd be curious to see.

The beams files are located in:


The A and B files are for A and B detectors. The BBNS file should be for the A and B stacked beams. A and B I know are good. Please check that BBNS is not much different than either A or B, though I think it should be fine.

In alteralm, you can just specify beam_file_out = ... instead of fwhm_arcmin_out = ...

This is my input file for alteralm to make a WMAP map smoothed by the BBNS A beam.

infile_alms = /n/home03/rwa/wmap7yr/alms_wmap_band_iqumap_r9_7yr_V_v4_gal.fits
outfile_alms = alms_wmap_7yr_V_cel_BBNS_20130222_A.fits
beam_file_in = /n/home03/rwa/wmap7yr/bl_v_wmap_7yr.fits
#fwhm_arcmin_out = 31.22
beam_file_out = /n/home06/csheehy/bicep2_analysis/beamfile_20130222_A.fits
coord_in = G
coord_out = C
nsmax_in = 512
nsmax_out = 512
nlmax_out = 1000


On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Walt Ogburn <ogburn@stanford.edu> wrote:
Hi Chris,

Yes, if you can point me to the fits file for the B_l's, that would be
great.  I have only prepared input maps following a pretty limited set
of recipes, with circular Gaussian beams, so I'm not very familiar with
the other options that are available in alteralm.  I take it that the
fits file you mention is a file with beam properties only, which can be
applied to any healpix map as a way of performing the beam smoothing?

If we get this working, it sounds as though it would be preferable to
(as John says) make it the standard for abscal.  In that case I will
just drop the abscal sims I've been running with circular Gaussian

- Walt

On Fri, 24 May 2013 15:10:39 -0500
Chris Sheehy <csheehy@uchicago.edu> wrote:

> Walt,
> In my posting that John points out, the crux of it was that I
> prepared a fits file for the B_ls of the azimuthally averaged BBNS
> beam profile. It is circular and non Gaussian.
> http://bmode.caltech.edu/~spuder/analysis_logbook/analysis/20130227_BBNS_beam_simII/
> If you want this fits file so you can use it with synfast and
> alteralm, let me know and I'll point you to it.
> -Chris
> On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 3:06 PM, Walt Ogburn <ogburn@stanford.edu>
> wrote:
> > Hi John,
> >
> > > Walt, are the WMAP and Planck input maps that you are using for
> > > the abscal analysis smoothed with gaussians?  Or has the BBNS
> > > profile become our new standard?
> >
> > As I documented in my posting, I've been using circular Gaussians of
> > 31.22 arcmin.  How would I go about using the BBNS profile?  I
> > imagine it's possible to prepare a set of B_l's that represent a
> > beam that's radially symmetric but non-Gaussian, with wings similar
> > to the BBNS beams, and then feed that to alteralms.  Is that what
> > you have in mind?
> >
> > - Walt
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Christopher Sheehy - Ph.D. candidate - University of Chicago
Research Specialist, University of Minnesota, Department of Physics
Room 220 Tate, 116 Church Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN, 55455
Tel: 612-625-1802  Fax: 612-624-4578  email: csheehy@uchicago.edu