
If I understand correctly, Chris is not calculating a likelihood. He is
calculating the RMS of rho for r=0. For dp1100 he gets sigma(rho) =
0.049. I get +0.050/-0.042 for the same deprojection; however, my
results are for 3 years, and his are for 2 (there are other more subtle
differences in the simsets, but I don't expect any of those to matter as

Yes, and I think you've listed all the appropriate caveats in drawing a comparison.  Chris can confirm.
I actually sent an email last night but forgot to reply all. That is the correct posting, and yes, the fact that my 1-sigma r numbers are for B2 2-yr and Immanuel's are for 3-yr will hamper direct comparison, as will the fact that I am not doing likelihoods but am instead reporting the rms of rho from each r=0 simset.


On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 9:39 AM, John Kovac <jmkovac@cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:
On 9/24/13 10:15 AM, Immanuel Buder wrote:
Can you easily add to your posting equivalent numbers for dp0000,
dp0100, dp1100?  That would nicely summarize the current price we pay
for deprojection, and should also offer comparison to Chris'
projections of r sensitivity from last fall.
Yes, they are in the posting now.

Of course I had forgotten that you have no signal sims without difpoint to use for the baseline dp0000, which I'd asked for wanting a "no E->B from deproj" case, i.e. what if we didn't need to deproject anything.

Your entry for dp0000 includes difpoint T->P and so we can ignore it.


If I understand correctly, Chris is not calculating a likelihood. He is
calculating the RMS of rho for r=0. For dp1100 he gets sigma(rho) =
0.049. I get +0.050/-0.042 for the same deprojection; however, my
results are for 3 years, and his are for 2 (there are other more subtle
differences in the simsets, but I don't expect any of those to matter as

Yes, and I think you've listed all the appropriate caveats in drawing a comparison.  Chris can confirm.


  John Kovac                             jmkovac@cfa.harvard.edu

  Associate Professor, Harvard University Astronomy Department
  160 Concord Ave rm 310, Cambridge MA 02138, 617-496-0611
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Christopher Sheehy
KICP Fellow, 
University of Chicago
5640 S Ellis Ave
LASR 122
Chicago, IL 60637
email: csheehy@uchicago.edu
phone: (773) 702-9751