The concern isn't about the content of the paper. I don't think there's anything that could imply that we did anything wrong in the B2 analysis.

The concern is more that some outsiders might not realize what the paper is actually about and mistakenly post about e.g. new combined results from BICEP2 and Keck.

Immanuel Buder
Postdoctoral Fellow
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
(office) 617 495 7567
(office) 160 Concord Ave., M-114C
(mail) 60 Garden St. MS 42
Cambridge, MA 02138

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 3:33 PM, Walt Ogburn <> wrote:
Hi Immanuel,

> The concern is that because of the title (which contains "BICEP2 and
> Keck Array") it could cause some unwarranted eruptions in the
> blogosphere if it gets misinterpreted.

I'm not sure I understand the concern.  Is it really just the presence
of the words "BICEP and the Keck Array", or is there a more specific
concern that people will say there's something wrong with our beam
analysis?  I tend to think that the blogosphere is well enough
connected to various people in the field to find anything that's in an
SPIE talk or proceeding.  I don't see a problem with putting the
proceedings on arxiv.

- Walt