Hi Walt,

Okay, for point 1, I will remake the EE spectra using your color scale.

For points 3-4, I agree. It is striking how much the correlation between jack and non-jack mimics the observed B2 jack/non-jack correlation for some of the other jacks. It doesn't look like this correlation is predicted by any sims I've run.

I also agree with point 2. The T jack map fails far worse than any of the jacks we have constructed up until now, even those jacks formed from a small subset of tags.


On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 8:41 PM, Walt Ogburn <ogburn@stanford.edu> wrote:
Thanks, Chris.  I agree that the plots I've posted are just a start,
and we need to do a more careful comparison (as well as finishing the
coadds in my note!).

However, I think there are a few things in my posting that are already
clearly fishy:

1) the bumps at low ell in EE.  I haven't seen comparable in any sims.
If you have them and can show them in a different color stretch, that
would be interesting.

2) the T jack failure.  I don't see comparably bad in any other

3) the correlation between the BB bumps in jackknife and non-jack.  I
don't see that in the others you point to.

4) the TB correlation that matches between jackknife and non-jack.

- Walt

On Thu, 7 Feb 2013 19:50:53 -0600
Chris Sheehy <csheehy@uchicago.edu> wrote:

> Hi Walt,
> I agree with your conclusion that we need to subject a signal + noise
> sim to this jackknife to really judge what is going on. However, I'm
> looking at your Figure 2a, and I don't think I'm seeing what you
> describe. Those little lobes look pretty dim, and certainly not
> brighter than the low ell lobes in some of the the simulated BB
> jackknife spectra, especially the 1st half/2nd half jack.
> For instance, look at the B_pure, 1st/2nd half jack for a few of the
> s+n realizations, espeically sigIa and sigII:
> http://bicep0.caltech.edu/~spuder/analysis_logbook/analysis/20130121_elliptical_sidelobe/maps_pager.html
> Is what you're seeing not consistent with something like that? Also,
> a lot of our excess BB is located in the second and third science
> bins, not just the first. Maybe I'm misunderstanding.
> (Unfortunately my EE jackknifes are not visible because my color
> scales are matched to the signal spectra.)
> -Chris
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:20 PM, Walt Ogburn <ogburn@stanford.edu>
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have constructed a new jackknife that splits the first 53 vs.
> > last 53 half-scans in a scanset.  This is intended to test whether
> > we could have an instrumental signal that's repeatable from scanset
> > to scanset, but changes from one half-scan to another.  An example
> > would be a thermal oscillation that dies down as you get farther
> > from the partial load curve.
> >
> > The pairmaps are still in progress, but with a coadd through Oct.
> > 2010 I find this jackknife fails.  The EE and BB power in the
> > differenced map is a good match for the EE and BB power at low ell
> > in our jack0 coadds.  I also find a significant mismatch in the T
> > map between the two splits.  You can find the note here:
> >
> >
> > http://bicep0.caltech.edu/~spuder/analysis_logbook/analysis/20130207_scanjackhack/
> >
> > I still need to complete the pairmaps and coadd for the two-year
> > data set, and repeat the same analysis for a signal+noise sim.  The
> > preliminary results look promising, though, that this could be what
> > we've been looking for.
> >
> > - Walt
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Christopher Sheehy - Graduate Student - University of Chicago
University of Minnesota,
Room 220 Tate, 116 Church Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN, 55455
Tel: 612-625-1802  Fax: 612-624-4578  email: csheehy@uchicago.edu