Hi all,

We'll have a BICEP2 telecon today at the usual time, followed by
CMB pipeline discussion:

    Tuesday, 19 Mar 2013
    12:00 Eastern, 11:00 Central, 9:00 am Pacific
    Phone: 1-866-890-3820 (toll: 1-334-323-7229) Passcode: 59702175 #

Agenda (posted to telecon notes):

1) General business (brief)
    - computing
       - B2 Pole backups to odyssey...continuing progress [ Immanuel ]
          AI: [Walt] cvs commit bicep33 gcp
    - BICEP2 and Keck collaboration meetings: April 17-19, Harvard
       Logistics and RSVP

2) Sidelobes Final Report update [Abby/Immanuel]   (15 min)

3) other Final Reports progress  (5 min)
     Angiola: any news on AI’s from magnetic pickup report?

4) Pipeline Telecon agenda and preview of postings  (1-3 min summaries)

2013 Mar 12: Little Buddy Beam Characteristics (STF) Updated Mar 13
2013 Mar 15: Excess T III (now with Keck WMAP sims) (CDS)
2013 Mar 15: Deprojecting sidelobes II: real data (CDS)
2013 Mar 15: WMAP 9yr maps (CDS)
2013 Mar 18: Alternate Spectra Plots (JET)
2013 Mar 18: Keck Az maps (JET)

   - Pipeline agenda review
        - B-mode analysis status
        - Initial result alternatives: B2/Keck cross spectra? [ Martin ]

---- finish in < 60 min -----

Pipeline Telecon discussion to follow...