ROFL at this quote :

 "Perhaps the most delightfully named branch of the federal bureaucracy
is the Library of Congress Cataloging Directorate, which sounds oddly like an
office of totalitarian librarians."
Where the Books Are

Published: August 22, 2006

Knowledge, Samuel Johnson once said, "is of two kinds. We know a
subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it."
The point behind every scheme for cataloging books ? and there are
more schemes than you'd imagine ? is to make the second kind of
knowledge easier to come by. Most experienced library users know the
Library of Congress classification system, at least in its outlines.
But the reference collection in the Main Reading Room at the New York
Public Library follows the Billings system, created by a former
director of the library and used nowhere else. It is a map on which
you recognize none of the symbols.

That is all changing, at last. The reference collection is being
reshelved according to the Library of Congress system. In the overall
history of information science, this may seem like a leap from the
1890's to the late 1890's. But a classification system is like a
shark. If it isn't moving forward, it's probably dead. Perhaps the
most delightfully named branch of the federal bureaucracy is the
Library of Congress Cataloging Directorate, which sounds oddly like an
office of totalitarian librarians. One division of the Cataloging
Directorate does nothing but keep the classification system up to
date. The same cannot be said of the Billings system, which suffered
obsolescence long ago.

This change may seem like a trivial matter to you who Google
everything. But the Reading Room at the New York Public Library is one
of those places so common in this city where the clientele is both
passionate and knowledgeable. Sooner or later, everyone who loves a
library broods about how the books are arranged. Thomas Jefferson did.
He sent 18 or 20 wagonloads of his books to the nascent Library of
Congress. He wrote a long letter about the problems of classification
and prepared a detailed catalog of his books on a system of his own
devising. He loved books and loved arranging them. But that letter is
easily his driest piece of writing.

June Samaras
(For Books about Greece)
2020 Old Station Rd
Canada L5M 2V1
Tel : 905-542-1877
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