From: June P. Farris
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 12:50 PM
Subject: women in Cyprus in the 1960s - 1970s


Dear Colleagues,


I received the following email (and list of questions) from a professor at Drew University, and have her permission to forward her queries to you. The topics/questions are very broad-based—each could be a dissertation of its own! I’ve sent her some suggestions, particularly about laws and labor legislation in Cyprus and the LC country reports for Cyprus, etc., but questions 1-3 are so broad, I barely knew where to begin, particularly since we have a small Greek collection, and definitely nothing “special” about Cyprus.


If you think you might be able to help her (at least from the Greek side), please contact her directly. She does read Greek and has a translator for anything useful that might be in Turkish. I tried adding the text of the 4 questions she’d like to answer, but it made the email message too large for our listserve.  If you think you’d like to work on this query, I can send you her detailed list of questions separately.

Many thanks.




Dear June:

My goal is to be published by The Journal of Cyprus Studies.  In order to provide a balanced presentation  I must include more information about the northern part of Cyprus.  The journal has accepted the article pending more research and revisions.

All four questions pertain to the status of women in northern Cyprus.  The answers must be from the point of view of women who lived in northern Cyprus during the post-colonial decade: 1960-1970.  However, there may be government documents or books and articles by intellectuals and academics that reveal the effect of the presence of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force on the Cyprus economy and welfare (particularly the health and education of women) during the post-colonial decade. For example, was there an improvement in the longevity of women after UNFICYP arrived?  The answer to this question would be a salient point.  My article covers these ten years only.

The article entitled, "The Profound Transformation from Poverty to Professionalism of Cypriot Women a a Consequence of the Transition to Paid Work" is based on a chapter in my dissertation (which is online) -- Cyprus,1960-1970: An Intellectual History of the Cold War Toll, the United Nations, and Decolonization. 

Do you have any special collections on Cyprus?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Dr. Margaret W. Bartlett, Doctor of Letters in Historical Studies and Contemporary Studies, Drew University, 2013.  Author of Cyprus, The United Nations, and the Quest for Unity, 2007.
P. O. Box 489
New Vernon, New Jersey 07976



June Pachuta Farris

Bibliographer for Slavic, E. European & Eurasian Studies

Bibliographer for General Linguistics

University of Chicago Library

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