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From:  <roilos@fas.harvard.edu>
Date: Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 5:01 PM

Dear all,

I am happy to announce that the archive of the late Evro Layton (1924-2005), a
great supporter of Modern Greek Studies at Harvard, has been donated to
Harvard's Modern Greek Studies Program and to Houghton Library. Also, in her
memory Alexis and Daphne Layton have contributed a generous donation to
_Harvard Early Modern and Modern Greek Library_ (a publication Series at
Harvard University Press expanding and supplementing the scope of the _Loeb
Classical Library_).

Evro Layton, an internationally renowned scholar, was the former Collection
Development Librarian of the Harvard College Library and the Head of the Modern
Greek Division at Widener Library in the 1960s. She almost single-handedly
founded the field of the history of the Greek book and typography. Monumental
is her work _The Sixteenth Century Greek Book in Italy: Printers and Publishers
for the Greek World_, published in the series of the Library of the Hellenic
Institute of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies, no 16 (Venice: Istituto
ellenico di studi bizantini e postbizantini di Venezia, 1994). Exemplary is
also her work _Five Centuries of Books and Manuscripts in Modern Greek: A
Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Houghton Library, December 4, 1987, through
February 17, 1988_ (Preface by Margaret Alexiou). As Harvard University Press
states, this catalogue "explores the emergence of modern Greek language,
thought, and sensibility reflected in Harvard's unique collection of Greek
books and manuscripts (over 200,000 volumes), ranging from fifteenth century
liturgical manuals to Renaissance translations into modern Greek of Homer and
other classical authors to the works and papers of such twentieth-century Greek
literary figures as Nikos Kazantzakis, George Seferis, and C. P. Cavafy. With
copious illustrations of Greek writing, design, and typography, Evro Layton's
catalogue is a visual and intellectual treat for philhellenes."

For further details please visit:


Best wishes,
Panagiotis Roilos

Panagiotis Roilos
Professor of Modern Greek Studies and of Comparative Literature
Director of the Modern Greek Studies Program, Department of the Classics
Faculty Associate, The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs
Harvard University
Boylston Hall, 2nd floor
Cambridge, MA 02138
