Dear All,


Please see the call for papers for the October 13-16, 2011, biennial symposium of the Modern Greek Studies Association in New York.


I will organize a panel on library / archival / bibliographic matters if there is interest -- we will need at least 4 presenters (paper givers and a discussant) and a chair.  It will have been six years since the last library-related panel was presented at an MGSA symposium (Chicago, 2005).  


Possible topics for a panel include recent developments at the major Modern Greek collections in North America, a report on the status of a "Modern Greek Resources Project" and the December 2006 meeting at the Gennadius Library in Athens, as well as papers on the development and history of Modern Greek collections at individual libraries.  Many libraries have suffered severe budget cutbacks in acquisitions and personnel funding, so in some cases the "recent developments" are not good news, but it might be helpful to hear of creative ways different institutions have handled the cutbacks.


I will propose to do a paper on improvements in LC's Modern Greek and Cypriot acquisitions since 2006 and on changes in the acquisitions and cataloging procedures for Greek and Cypriot materials.


If you are interested in giving a paper as part of a panel, please get in touch with me by return email or by phone (202/707-2224).  You don't need to do the final abstract at this point, but do give me an idea of the topic and approach of your presentation.    


Note also that if there are not enough people for a separate library panel, individuals do have the option of submitting a proposal for a paper to the program committee, having it accepted or rejected, and if the former, assigned to a panel by the committee.


Please note that neither the MGSA or the CoHSL can provide any funding for travel or living expenses in NYC -- it remains to be seen what the official hotel will be and what the rates are.  I will keep the list posted on the panel as plans develop.  In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions,


Best to all,






MGSA 2011, the twenty-second biennial international symposium of the Modern Greek Studies Association, will take place October 13-16, 2011 in New York, and will be coordinated by the Hellenic Studies Program at New York University (

Abstracts for individual papers and proposals for entire panels are invited on any aspect of modern Greek culture, literature, language, history, society, politics, economics, and the arts.  

Possible Topics for MGSA 2011 include:

Interdisciplinary approaches to environmental issues; popular culture and media; cultural change; spaces of cross-cultural and intellectual fertilization between the Hellenic world and the rest of the world; the emergence of new urban and suburban environments; Greek literature in national and post-national contexts; new economies of labor; poverty, economic marginalization, and class relations; Greece and geopolitics in the wider region; Cyprus and interregional relationships; diaspora and transnational Greek worlds; issues of pedagogy and curriculum development, relating to Modern Greek Studies as a field.  

General Guidelines for Submission:

All submissions will be judged by blind review on the basis of their individual merit, even when part of a submitted panel. Abstracts of 300-400 words should be submitted electronically (preferably in MS Word format) to the MGSA Executive Director: Prof. Victor Papacosma: 

Abstracts will be evaluated 1) in relation to the innovativeness of the approaches they employ, 2) in terms of their active engagement with the existing literature, and 3) the narrative coherence of their aims and objectives.

Abstracts should reflect original work that has not been previously presented or announced in other venues. Previously presented or announced work compromises the blind review process and risks rejection for procedural reasons.

Each abstract should explain briefly the scope and focus of the proposed topic, its broader significance for its discipline and the field of Modern Greek Studies, and the methodology employed. Although the decisions of the committee are final, short commentaries on the rationale for rejected abstracts can be provided upon request.

Jointly authored abstracts and papers are welcome.

Each abstract should be accompanied by a separate page that contains the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s), postal and email addresses, and telephone numbers. All papers will have a 20-minute time limit, which will be strictly enforced. Papers of absent authors will not be read at the Symposium under any circumstances. The Program Committee will assign Chairs to all panels. No one may present more than one paper, or act as presenter and commentator on the same panel. Audio-visual requirements should be indicated at the time of submission.

Proposals for entire panels of no more than 4 participants may be submitted by the panel organizer in the same manner as individual abstracts and should include a) abstracts and contact information for each of the presenters and b) a panel abstract of 300-400 words by the panel's organizer providing a description of the panel and explaining the connections among the individual papers.

In cases where a panel is rejected but an individual paper merits inclusion, this paper will be accepted as an individual entry in the Symposium.

Symposium participants are expected to cover their own expenses. There is a small fund available to defray costs for participating graduate students.

Abstracts or inquiries may be submitted via email to Prof. Victor Papacosma, MGSA Executive Director: 


The deadline for submissions of abstracts for individual papers is

15 January 2011. Deadline for abstracts of organized panels is

30 January 2011. There will be no extensions of the deadlines. Final decisions will be announced by March 2011.

Registration and Fees:

A pre-registration fee of US $75 for accepted abstracts will be required. All participants must be current members of the MGSA before the Symposium convenes. Specific information about methods of payment for pre-registration fees and MGSA membership will be announced in due course.  

Program Committee members:

Elsa Amanatidou, Chair (Brown University), Athena Athanasiou (Panteio University), Eleni Bastea (The University of New Mexico), Elizabeth Davis (Princeton University), Yiorgos Kalogeras (Aristotle University), Kostis Kornetis (Brown University), Dimitris Papadimitriou (University of Manchester), Eustratios Papaioannou (Brown University), Lidia Santarelli (NYU), George Syrimis (Yale University), Liana Theodoratou (NYU). 

The Modern Greek Studies Association, founded in 1968, is a US-based, non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of Modern Greek studies in the United States and Canada. It publishes the Journal of Modern Greek Studies (The Johns Hopkins University Press) and the MGSA Bulletin. Its publications also include the Census of Modern Greek Literature, 1824-1987 (Dia M.L. Philippides, editor) and Greece in Modern Times: An Annotated Bibliography of Works Published in English in Twenty-Two Academic Disciplines during the Twentieth Century (Stratos E. Constantinidis, editor). 

Information regarding the Association, including membership, may be obtained from the MGSA Executive Director or from the MGSA website at