Hello Maria:

        I definitely would like to see this list on a regular basis. I am also interested in any serial list you may have available.



At 04:57 AM 12/19/2005, you wrote:
Dear colleagues,
Please find enclosed a list containing the monographs acquired by the Gennadius Library in the past year – this is our in-house accession file in WORD format. I am sending the list in four installments so please bear with me.
If this information is of interest to you all, we can make sure to send it to the whole list on a quarterly basis. If it is not of general interest we could also create a smaller list of recipients who are interested in this information and send the file only to these people. Please, let me know.
With best wishes for the holidays. All the best,
Maria Georgopoulou, Director
Gennadius Library
American School of Classical Studies at Athens
61 Souidias Street
10676 Athens
tel: +30-210-7210536
fax: +30-210-7237767
email: mgeorgopoulou@ascsa.edu.gr

CoHSL-list mailing list

Anthony J. Oddo
Team Leader, Arts & Sciences Team/Catalog Department
Sterling Memorial Library/Yale University
(203) 432-7961 anthony.oddo@yale.edu