Dear CoHSL members:


I am afraid that the CoHSL listserv has been taken over by spam. I spend all of my time as moderator rejecting hundreds of vulgar messages each week. I’ve consulted with Harvard’s Information Technology and after several attempted fixes, they have been unable to stop it.


I am going to have to shut down this listserv and encourage interested members join one of two possible lists:

The Modern Greek Studies Association listserv:

The MGSA list is a free e-mail discussion list for Modern Greek Studies.

The MGSA Library Committee has been revitalized as of the last MGSA Symposium so library matters are indeed of interest to MGSA members.




The Forum for Classics, Libraries and Scholarly Communication:

The Forum brings together people interested in the intersection between classical studies, libraries, and scholarly communication, in order to promote timely exchange of information and ideas. Members also collaborate on projects of mutual concern. As an officially affiliated group of the American Philological Association, the Forum aims to support initiatives of the APA relating to libraries and scholarly communication. Visit the FCLSC Website for more information.


Please be in touch if you have any questions. I will close the CoHSL listserv down in one week, Friday, July 13.


Kind regards,




Rhea K. Lesage

Librarian for Hellenic Studies and Coordinator for the Classics &

Center for Hellenic Studies Associate for Collaborative Initiatives

Collection Development

Widener Library Room G60A

Harvard College Library

Cambridge, MA 02138


(office) 617.495.2426

(facsimile) 617.496.8704


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