On my recent book-buying visit to Athens I was keenly aware of some of the effects of the crisis on the book business in Greece, and this article I posted last week also pointed out the current difficulties and the severe consequences of the economic situation


For another view  - from the fighting trenches, so to speak - I just discovered online the interesting blog of the "Syllogos Ypallelon Bibliou Chartou Attikis" 


A very active labour organization, it organizes frequent demonstrations against whatever it perceives as damaging to "book" workers. 

In the web archives  can be found information about their opinion of some of the catastrophic changes in the book business such as 

layoffs at Ellenika Grammata in 2010


Demonstrations against Eleftheroudakis in 2011 


Unpaid work at the bookshop of Estia in 2012


Also a link to the newsletter ΚΑΚΕΚΤΥΠΟ ( in PDF format) for 2012 with many similar stories 

Also is has concerns about the exploitation of translators with a link to the site at <http://www.smed.gr/>
where there are similar accounts of the contraction of employment and the contracting out of jobs. 

An ever cascading sequence of events where the problems seem to overwhelm any potential solutions, and we seem to be watching the disintegration not just of an economy but also of a culture.  

BTW : Is anyone out there collecting electronic resources like this for future archival preservation ?

I ask because one acquaintance of mine is a member of a regional community organization, currently in disarray because no one can afford even their very modest membership fees. Consequently, although they still have an "office"
( I think the landlord is forgoing the full rent - the premises would be left vacant with little chance of finding a new tenant anyway) they cannot afford to pay the electricity bill - so the office can only be used on bright sunny days.

I think that a lot of similar agencies are facing similar difficulties and the distinct possibility that their records and archives may disappear as the organization dies.

June S

June Samaras
(For Books about Greece)
2020 Old Station Rd
Canada L5M 2V1
Tel : 905-542-1877
E-mail : kalamosbooks@gmail.com