Before ringing out the old year and ringing in the new, come join your
fellow Davis Center affiliates for a series of two hands-on online
research workshops at Fung Library. The workshops are specifically aimed
at experienced scholars and researchers who are looking to expand their
knowledge of online research tools and approaches. These two are the
first in a planned series of workshops at various levels, with more to
follow next year.

What: Two workshops.
Dec. 9: Online Journals: reading journals online and searching for
journal and newspaper articles in online databases. Questions to be
addressed include: Does the library have online versions of the journals
I use? How do I search for journal articles on my current research
projects? Which databases should I use? How can I search for and read
current magazines and newspapers online? This workshop is intended to be
slow-paced and to proceed step by step.

Dec. 16. Sources for Web Research. This session will introduce a
series of freely accessible scholarly Web sites in both English and
Russian for research in the the social sciences (first hour) and the
humanities (second hour). We will also look at some major web portals in
Slavic studies for further exploration.

When: 4-6 p.m., Dec. 9 and 16

Where: Both workshops will take place in the HMDC Computer Training
Room, Room K018, next to Fung Library in the CGIS Knafel Building,
1737 Cambridge Street.

RSVP: Please reply to Hugh Truslow, Librarian for the Davis Center
Collection, at, if you would like to attend;
space is limited. Also let Hugh know if you have any specific questions
you would like addressed, or if you have suggestions for future