Please note the following additions and corrections to our September calendar:

**Sponsor and location have been updated**
 Thursday, September 20
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Wiktor Weintraub Memorial Lecture

World War II in Europe - Who Won?”
Norman Davies, Professor Emeritus, University of London; Research Fellow, Oxford University
12 Quincy Street, Barker 110, Thompson Room
Begins 4:15 p.m.

**Room change**
Tuesday, September 25
Cold War Studies Seminar
Co-sponsored by the Comparative Economics Seminar

“Russian Reforms:  Comparing the New Economic Policy (1921-1928) with Post-Soviet Russia (1992-2006)”
Yury Goland, Senior Researcher, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences
1730 Cambridge Street, Concourse Level, S050
12:30-2:00 p.m.
**New listing**
Thursday, September 27
Literature and Culture Seminar

‘Ordinary Fascism’: Reflection of the Filmmaker and Scholar”
Maya Turovskaya, Filmmaker
1730 Cambridge Street, 3rd Floor, Room S354
4:15-6:00 p.m.