

This list announces talks in the greater Boston area pertaining to the study of the early modern period ca. 1350-1800, in any discipline and with any regional specialization. This year we are announcing in person and online events and activities relevant to the Boston area. Please forward announcements of events, including exhibits and application deadlines for future conferences in our region. We’re planning a mailing roughly every two weeks—please therefore send notices of events at least two weeks in advance. Please forward announcements, in the format requested at the end of this message, and e-mail addresses to: 


For security reasons the list will not disseminate zoom links directly, but we can list an email contact to which to write for further details about attending. Alternatively, we can circulate registration information for events. All times are EDT. 



Upcoming Events 


*Tuesday April 26, 5 pm EST 

Mahindra Humanities Center Renaissance Studies Seminar 

Katie Kadue (Cornell University): "'A Double Task': Erotic and Poetic Labor in Petrarchan Poetry." 

Please pre-register here to receive the zoom link for this event. 


Tuesday, April 26, 2022 12:00-1:15PM EST
Early Sciences Working Group at Harvard
Abram Kaplan & Alex Garnick, “Towards a New Reading of Descartes’ Meditations”
Location: This meeting will be held in hybrid format, both on Zoom and in person. The in person portion will be held in Science Center 252.
Please contact Ori at for the pre-circulated paper and the zoom link. 


**Wednesday, April 27, 2022 7:00PM EST (NEW TIME!)
Harvard Medieval History Workshop and Early Modern Workshop 

How Does Stuff Happen? A Roundtable on Causality in Medieval and Early Modern History
The opening discussants are Sama Mammadova, Reed Morgan, Konrad Boeschenstein, and Sergio Leos all in the History department at Harvard 

Location: Robinson Hall Conference Room (formerly Lower Library) 


Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 5:30 PM 

Center for the Study of the Early Modern World, Brown University
Lecture “The Art of Hatching Contraven’d, or; the Problem of Reproducing the Freshwater Polypus"
Elizabeth Athens (University of Connecticut)
Brown University, Friedman Hall 102 (new location), in-person lecture

Dr. Athens is an art historian with research interests in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century art and natural history, the art of empire, and the history of collecting. She is currently writing a book that examines the graphic practice of the eighteenth-century American naturalist, William Bartram. 


Thursday, April 28, 2022, 5:30pm 

MHC Seminar on Women, Gender, and Culture in the Early Modern World 

Elisa Oh (Department of English, Howard University): “Moving like a Witch: Kinesis, Gender, and Race in Early Modern English Drama" 

Location: Online on Zoom. Registration 


*Friday, April 29, 2022 (9am-6pm) and Saturday, April 30, 2022 (9am-6pm)  

Harvard Medieval Graduate Interdisciplinary Workshop 

Two-day in person workshop with Dr. Sarah Lang (University of Graz, Austria): “Beyond TEI: A Workshop on Digital Editing of Premodern Texts.” 

Location: In-person. Registration.  


Monday, May 2, 2022, 9:00am to 5:00pm  

MHC Seminar on Book History  

Conference: “Communities of Book History”. 13th Annual Harvard-Yale-Brown Graduate Conference in Book History. 

Online on Zoom. Registration. 

Program posted here:  


Tuesday, May 3, 2022 12:00-1:15PM EST
Early Sciences Working Group at Harvard
Patrick Graham, "Lionel Cranfield's Audits: Computing at the Intersection of Finance, State and the New Science in Early Stuart England"
Location: This meeting will be held in hybrid format, both on Zoom and in person. The in person portion will be held in Science Center 252.
Please contact Ori at for the pre-circulated paper and the zoom link. 


*Wednesday, May 4, 2022 10:00am to 11:30am  

Bailey Sincox (Harvard): Dissertation Defence "Female Revenge on the Early Modern Stage." 

Location: Barker Center 133 (Plimpton Room), 12 Quincy St, Cambridge MA, 02138 


*Wednesday, May 4, 2022 5pm EST 

English Department Medieval Colloquium and Renaissance Colloquium
James Simpson (Harvard) & Leah Whittington (Harvard), “The Dark Age (16th and 17th centuries): A Debate.”

Location: Barker 133 (The Plimpton Room), 12 Quincy St, Cambridge MA, 02138 


Thursday, May 5, 2022 5:30pm 

MHC Seminar on Women, Gender, and Culture in the Early Modern World  

Roundtable in honor of World-Making Renaissance Women: Rethinking Early Modern Women's Place in Literature and Culture (Cambridge University Press, 2021) 

Location: Online on zoom 

More information to come. 


Thursday, May 5, 2022 5:00pm 

Five College Seminar in Book History 

Joseph M. Adelman (Framingham State University): "Trans-Atlantic Correspondence and Imperial News Narratives in the Revolutionary Era" 

Location: Online Event, Kinney Center for Renaissance Studies 

More information and registration link  


*May 11, 2022, 9am-5pm (Eastern Standard Time) 

Think Tank, Center for Humanistic Inquiry, Frost Library, Amherst College, MA in conjunction with the Kinney Center for Interdisciplinary Renaissance Studies. 

International (hybrid) Conference: The Virgin’s Milk in Global Perspective: On the Fluidity of Images and the Production of Divine Presence  

For the conference program and zoom link, click here: 


*May 11, 2022, 9-10am 

Keynote Lecture (in person): “Liquid Flesh and the Medicine of Immortality: The Nursing Virgin Mary in Egypt” 

Elizabeth Bolman, Elsie B. Smith Professor in the Liberal Arts, Professor and Chair of Art History, Case Western Reserve University. 

Location: Think Tank, Center for Humanistic Inquiry, Frost Library, Amherst College, MA  

Conference organizers: Jutta Sperling, Mati Meyer, Vibeke Olson, Bronwen Gulkis. 

The conference is funded by the Department of Religious Studies, the Department of Art and Art History, the Department of History, the Center for Humanistic Inquiry, and the Georges Lurcy Lecture Series Fund at Amherst College; the Kinney Center for Interdisciplinary Renaissance Studies, and the Time and Narrative Learning Collaborative at Hampshire College. 


Thursday, May 17, 2022 4:30pm  

MEMHS, Brown University  

Gabriel de Avilez Rocha (Vasco da Gama Assistant Professor of History and Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, Brown University). More information is coming soon. 


Thursday, May 19, 2022, 9:20am-10am 

Jesuit Studies Café at Boston College 

The Roman Jesuit Archives (Archivum Romanum Societatis Jesu– ARSI) 

Festo Mkenda, S.J., Academic Director, Rome, Italy 

The Roman Jesuit Archives (Archivum Romanum Societatis Jesu– ARSI) are the archives of the general government of the Society of Jesus. Situated in Rome in the General Curia of the Order, their purpose is to preserve, to put in order, and to make available for research the documents related to the general government of the Society of Jesus and its activities from the beginning of its history in the sixteenth century up to the present day. 

More information and registration link 





*If you would like your announcement to be posted in an upcoming Early Mod Events listing please send your event details to: 

To be included in the Early Mod Events mailing, the event must take place or (in case of online events) be relevant to the greater Boston area. Announcements are posted at the discretion of the Early Mod Listserv administrator. It would be a great help if you could follow this format: 

Day, date, time 

Sponsor (if available) 

Type of event (ex. Lecture/Symposium/Workshop), Event Title 

Person giving talk (in bold), their home institution (if applicable) 

Location: in-person or virtual 

*If the event is virtual, please include either a Zoom registration link OR a contact email with the announcement. If your event is being held in-person, please specify this, and include location details. 

Additional info (no more than a couple of sentences) 

RSVP or Registration information/link