

This list announces talks in the greater Boston area pertaining to the study of the early modern period ca. 1350-1800, in any discipline and with any regional specialization. We are announcing in person and online events and activities relevant to the Boston area. Please forward announcements of events, including exhibits and application deadlines for future conferences in our region. We’re planning a mailing roughly every two weeks—please therefore send notices of events at least two weeks in advance. Please forward announcements, in the format requested at the end of this message, to:


For security reasons the list will usually not disseminate zoom links directly, but we can list an email contact to which to write for further details about attending. Alternatively, we can circulate registration information for events. All times are Boston/Eastern times.



Deadlines for Local Conferences and Workshops


5/15/2024 Deadline

Scientiae 2024 Fall Conference 25-26 October CFP

Theme: “The Global History of Knowledge” with a specific, but not exclusive, focus on the Americas and the Atlantic in the period 1450–1750. The keynote speaker will be Pablo F. Gomez

Location: Brown University, Providence RI



Upcoming Fortnight: Events


*Until 5/31/2024

Exhibit "Shakespeare Unbound" (W.E.B. Du Bois Library, University of Massachusetts Amherst, and Kinney Center for Interdisciplinary Renaissance Studies)

Location: W. E. B. Du Bois Library, University of Massachusetts Amherst


*June 11–13, 2024

BC Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

International Symposium on Jesuit Studies: “Renovatio Mundi: The Jesuits as Educators in History”

Boston College

More Information


June 3-7, 2024

The Folger Institute, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC

Introduction to English Paleography (directed by Dr. Heather Wolfe at the Kinney Center at UMass Amherst)


*Exhibit: Founding 56 explores the history of the Boston Congregational Library & Archives’ original collection and how its ideas have shaped understandings of the Congregational story over the past 170 years.




*If you would like your announcement to be posted in an upcoming Early Mod Events listing please send your event details to:

To be included in the Early Mod Events mailing, the event must take place or (in case of online events) be relevant to the greater Boston area. Announcements are posted at the discretion of the Early Mod Listserv administrator. It would be a great help if you could follow this format:

Day, date, time

Sponsor (if available)

Type of event (ex. Lecture/Symposium/Workshop), Event Title

Person giving talk (in bold), their home institution (if applicable)

Location: in-person or virtual

*If the event is virtual, please include either a Zoom registration link OR a contact email with the announcement. If your event is being held in-person, please specify this, and include location details.

Additional info (no more than a couple of sentences)

RSVP or Registration information/link