Hi all,


University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine will be here at OCS on Monday 3/4.


There are one-on-one office hours from 10am-12pm and 2-4pm (15 minutes each).  These are a great opportunity to meet with their admissions team to learn about the school and help them get to know you better.  Office hours are geared towards juniors, seniors, and alumni.


For 2019 applicants: this is a great opportunity!!  If you haven’t yet heard from Pritzker post-interview or are on the waitlist, this is a good way to connect with them and remind them of how excited you are for their school…if you are already accepted, this is a great opportunity to ask any remaining questions you might have for them as well.


Following the office hours, there will be an info session from 4:30-5:30pm.


Please RSVP in Crimson Careers for either/both of these events.

**Note: the office hours can be found in the programs & workshops section of the events in Crimson Careers.






Emiko Morimoto, PhD

Premedical and Health Careers Advising




Office of Career Services, Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
54 Dunster Street, Cambridge, MA 02138



If you are applying to medical school in 2019 for matriculation in 2020, please subscribe to the Harvard OCS Medical School Applicant Listserv, by visiting https://lists.fas.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/harvardocs-medschool-applicants-list and signing up using a @college.harvard.edu address, a @post.harvard.edu address, or an @alumni.harvard.edu address.