Sent on behalf of Maya Rosen, Assistant Professor at Smith College



Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuroscience


The Program in Neuroscience at Smith College invites applications for a one-year, benefits eligible position at the rank of Postdoctoral Fellow to begin September 1, 2022. Teaching responsibilities for this position will include one laboratory-based course per semester in our neuroscience curriculum, which includes a course in computational neuroscience, and supervision of independent student research in collaboration with faculty in the Neuroscience Program. Candidates should have a strong background in neuroscience. Any subspeciality will be considered, but expertise in human neuroscience is preferred. Ph.D. is expected by the time of appointment. Candidates who are A.B.D. will also be considered. Candidates from groups underrepresented in neuroscience are encouraged to apply. Details about the Program in Neuroscience  may be found at Interested candidates should contact ASAP.