Hi Ms. Raia and Ms. Lynch,

I am a faculty assistant at GSE. A friend of mine passed along a job opening for Mandarin speakers in Quincy. I thought might interest your graduating students or alumni because he has spoken very highly of the team he has worked with there. It is open to Bachelor or Master graduates.


The opening is with Aspire Healthcare Alliance, the program’s website is https://www.aspirehealthalliance.org/ and the direct link to the job is https://ssmh.silkroad.com/epostings/index.cfm?fuseaction=app.jobinfo&jobid=2497&version=1


Please let me know if I should direct this email to someone else on your staff or any student groups.


Thank You,

Mark McNally

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Longfellow 311

13 Appian Way

Cambridge, MA 02138
