Please see attached advertisement for a program officer at NIMH that a colleague asked me to forward. Please disseminate to any folks who might be interested.​


Attached is a copy of the position notice for a Program Officer to join the NIMH Geriatrics and Aging Processes Research Branch.  The same notice can be found on the NIMH website at

We are very interested in adding a staff member equipped to help the Branch to continue to expand its translational neuroscience programs.  While it would be ideal to find a candidate with all the forms of expertise described in the notice, realistically we are open to considering individuals who could come to the position with a substantial portion of the stated qualifications, even if they might have gaps or weaknesses with respect to some of the desired aspects (e.g., candidates with strong credentials both in neuroscience and psychopathology but with limited experience specific to aging or older adults, or candidates with strengths in both neuroscience and the biological aging process but less grounding in clinical mental health issues).  In mulling over whether you know anyone to recommend, you could include, and we will consider, promising graduate students or medical/psychiatric residents who are nearing the end of their training, as well as colleagues or professionals with whom you are acquainted who are further along in their careers.

If you know of one or more individuals who might be a reasonable candidate for us to consider, or even someone whom you think it might be worthwhile for us to check with (as to his or her potential interest), we would be most appreciative of getting such suggestions from you.  You could forward any recommendations to me (; 301-443-9123) or to Jovier Evans (; 301-443-1369).  Alternately, you might pass information about this opportunity along to the persons you think might be potential candidates and ask them to contact us if interested in looking further into this position at NIMH.  Either way, we will be immensely grateful for your help.  Thanks for considering this request and for your support of aging-related research at NIMH.



George Niederehe, Ph.D. [C]

Geriatrics and Aging Processes Research Branch

National Institute of Mental Health

6001 Executive Blvd, Room 7113, MSC 9637

Bethesda, MD 20892-9637
