Dear all,

We are excited to have Greg Kahanamoku-Meyer from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory at the Harvard Quantum Information Seminar on October 19th at Jefferson Hall 250.  The talk will start at 4:30 pm.

Title Quantum circuits for fast multiplication with few ancillas

Abstract Arithmetic on superpositions of numbers is a fundamental operation for many quantum algorithms. Multiplication in particular accounts for the vast majority of the cost of Shor's algorithm for factoring, as well as of recent protocols for efficiently-verifiable quantum advantage. The standard way of performing multiplication, both in the classical and quantum settings, requires O(n^2) gates, where n is the length of the inputs. Faster classical algorithms have been known for decades, but building quantum circuits based on them seems to require a large number of ancilla qubits. Here I present a technique for quantum multiplication which can achieve a sub-quadratic gate count using as few as just one ancilla qubit. I will discuss the algorithm itself and applications, showing to our knowledge the first implementation of Shor's algorithm that simultaneously uses fewer than O(n^3) gates and fewer than 3n total qubits. I will then discuss optimizations that can be applied in practice and present estimates of gate and qubit counts, showing that the algorithm is practical for realistic problem sizes.

Hope to see you all there.


Jordan Cotler