Bicep2-list February 2013
  • 7 participants
  • 14 discussions

BICEP2 Team meeting today (8 Jan 2013) noon Eastern
by John Kovac
11 years, 1 month

BICEP2 telecon 2013-feb-12
by Walt Ogburn
11 years, 3 months

Data directories from Pole
by Walt Ogburn
11 years, 3 months

Re: [Bicep2-list] Analysis note: half-scan jackknife
by Clem Pryke
11 years, 3 months

Re: [Bicep2-list] Analysis note: half-scan jackknife and possible culprit
by Clem Pryke
11 years, 3 months

Analysis note: half-scan jackknife and possible culprit
by Walt Ogburn
11 years, 3 months

Re: [Bicep2-list] Analysis note: half-scan jackknife and possible culprit
by Clem Pryke
11 years, 3 months

Re: [Bicep2-list] [Bispud-pipeline-list] BICEP2 Team meeting tomorrow (05 Feb 2013) noon Eastern
by Clem Pryke
11 years, 3 months

Re: [Bicep2-list] BICEP2 Team meeting tomorrow (05 Feb 2013) noon Eastern
by Clem Pryke
11 years, 3 months

B2 analysis summary
by Chris Sheehy
11 years, 3 months
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